Purpose of the STEM Summit

The 2014 Maine STEM Summit presents an exciting opportunity to gain an appreciation of the role STEM education plays in all careers and everyday life, as well as the challenging issues at all levels of education. In order to be part of the solution, we need to appreciate these issues and work across all sectors. The summit also provides an opportunity to share STEM education success stories from K-12, public and private higher education institutions and industry including in-class and out-of-class activities, curriculum development, internships, mentoring, and teacher preparation, among others. For more information and to register visit mmsa.org

Monday, March 31, 2014

Maine EPSCoR Upcoming Events


Events for High School Students

Maine EPSCoR High School Internship Program at the University of Maine in Orono, June-August 2014

The Maine EPSCoR High School Research Internship Program is an exciting paid opportunity for high school students to participate in cutting-edge research on a college campus. Students will work with UMaine faculty, students and others in a variety of fields while learning about sustainable science and water quality issues. Interns
must be at least 16 years old and have daily transportation to the UMaine campus. Contact Maine EPSCoR Outreach and Program Manager, Laurie Bragg, with any questions at (207)-581-2295 or laurie.bragg@maine.edu.
Applications will be available soon at www.umaine.edu/epscor.

Wabanaki Youth Science (WaYS): wskitkamikww "earth" camp at the Schoodic Education & Research Center (SERC), Acadia National Park, July 7-11, 2014

This overnight camp provides high school students an opportunity to spend a week learning about the intersection of traditional cultural philosophies and the environmental science that provides a foundation to care for the land and water that is such an integral part of Wabanaki heritage. Contact camp project administrator, tish carr, with any questions at (207)-485-0219 or tish.carr@maine.edu. Applications will be available soon at www.umaine.edu/

Events for Faculty and Professional Educators

SENCER-Related Events

SENCER (Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities) is an organization that applies the science of learning to the learning of science, all to expand civic capacity. SENCER courses and programs connect science, technology, engineering, and mathematics content to critical local, national, and global challenges. SENCER works to improve science education by focusing on real world problems and, by so doing, extends the impact of this learning across the curriculum to the broader community and society. Using materials, assessment instruments, and research developed in the SENCER project, faculty learn to design curricular projects that connect science learning to real world challenges.

SENCER Summer Institute at University of Carolina at Asheville, July 31-August 4, 2014

Maine EPSCoR will be providing travel scholarships for one or more "teams" (4+ people) to this exciting opportunity, which will allow faculty to learn how to utilize the SENCER approach in curriculum development.
Contact Maine EPSCoR Outreach and Program Manager, Laurie Bragg, with any questions or for a travel scholarship application at (207)-581-2295 or laurie.bragg@maine.edu.

SENCER Field Trip: "Examining the interactive role of tidal height and predation on growth and survival of juvenile soft-shell clams, Mya arenaria, with Woolwich Central School seventh-graders"

May 23, 2014 (times to be determined)

Join students, faculty, and professional educators for a demonstration of how to conduct a hands-on, field-based experience engaging college students to work with middle students to participate in real world research. In addition, participants will learn about the logic and logistics involved in setting up field experiments. This will be a collaborative learning experience for all participants so please come prepared to share and ask questions about best practices. Contact Maine EPSCoR Outreach and Program Manager, Laurie Bragg, with any questions or for a travel scholarship application at (207)-581-2295 or laurie.bragg@maine.edu.